Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rare Photo of Mexican Navy Seal

Rare Photo of Mexican Navy Seal

scroll down for classified picture


  1. Well that is so cute! And I'm generally not a fan of dressing up dogs... but this one made me smile!!!

  2. ha! I may have just have to share this one!

  3. Serious as a heart attack, on my family's 2002 Disney Cruise we stopped in Cozumel and the ship was guarded by two patrol boats of the Mexican navy. They looked like updated versions of American WW2 PT boats complete with cylinders on the sides which I was informed by the Mexican marine I talked with did hold torpedos. That marine spoke excellent English and was very friendly after I showed him my military ID.

    Throw in four .50 cals and a 20mm cannon mounted on the bow each boat and they had some mean ass machines.

  4. Adorable and dependable I am sure :)

  5. PAMO--I hate dressing up like a Dog--wait, that didn't come out right--but someone did a good job, or is really good at Photoshop!!!


    RK-- I was waiting for a seal or writing--I never expected a pic--Glad I didn't have a beverage in my mouth--this one just hit me perfectly!


    Gillian--use away mi Lady!


    BB_ COOL- story--and I'll bet they really took their jobs seriously!

    Thanks for sharing, Bro!


    budh.aah--the only dog in the world to ever bite me: my Aunt's Taco Bell Dog--she asked me to hand her her purse and that lil Bas...well Bitch--as it was a she- named Daiquiri- bit me. They would need no weapons!!!!!


    Mark--My Aunt's was Illegal! No Papers at all! LOL



    Petty- LMBO!!!!! Great one--- I want them Shaken--not stirred!

    Thanks as always for dropping by!



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