Monday, May 14, 2007

A direct correlation has been found a fear of buying underware. This phenomenon is only dectectable by million dollar Thermal Imaging equipment installed by Homeland Security in airports. No joking here.

This is actual footage of a potential "Dirty Bomb" is the only way I can describe this-it that may have actually made it's way onto an Aircraft. Terrorist will stop at nothing. Seriosly- watch closely- No this is not juvenile where you are told to turn up the volume and somethong will scare the crap outta you. There is no sound with this butt you know what they say- SBD!!!

Watch Carefully and be thankful our Government spares no expense.


Sleep Better Tonight and be sure to drop by Poops site


  1. You won a 3 way quote of the day today on my site.

  2. I think your puns killed me.

    Then I saw the video and almost peed myself laughing.

    I needed that.

  3. That is hilarious - why didn't someone have a match?

  4. POOP-POOP, Bonnie, Jean- LOL- sounds like a Michael Jackson song!!!
    Ohh-Ohh - I won- A Prasma TV I go rook at it now! (Chinese Accent ).
    Thank you so much- I truly have never won anything! You guys and gals are the greatest!

    LMAO- isn't it amazing how guys go right for the butt humor- it never fails--oh will we ever grow up!
    I pray not! I luged, I cried, I Pooped my pants! LOL



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