Saturday, December 11, 2010


(Tomorrow-- It's Easy Like Sunday Morning!)
Isn't it cool when the title has nothing to do with the post?
I have received in the past two weeks, something I hold near and dear to my Heart!
 YES, I want an E-reader too!

One from Cloudia Charters- a beautiful Soul Sista from 
Ha Va ii! (see Comfort Spiral in side bar), as well as two books on poetry from an awesome Brother in Detroit, Mark Durfee,  Whom you will find as The Walking Man in sidebar.

Get these books! I have not been asked, paid, cajolled, nor endorsed to advertise these awesome worksof art! Info is on their sites!

LuLu--Please see Lulu- #1 in sidebar--one of my closest Blogger friends-  are probably going to start a Book Club.  We can keep it short and easy and maybe dedicate one day a week to a chapter or so, depending on the book--and then relish and grow from others comments!!!! We can make this NOT a chore, as so many of us are stretched thin Blogging as it is: but if the desire is there, the time will be found MADE!

I know this is not new, but the discussions will not be equaled ANYWHERE when our collective Dys- FUNK- tional families weigh in!

We will start with Cloudia's- Aloha--Where You Like Go,--see her site.
WHY? Because we both have it and are reading it, and it is as powerful as any read to start with. I guess I better ask Clou...wait-- I bought the dang thing (snicker)! LOL--and it DOES NOT DISAPPOINT! There is so much that can be discussed in this phenomenal read!
These books are very affordable and Very relevant for the challenging times, we face daily. We could do selected Poem's from Marks two books, as we work on another read. His Poem's can take a while to digest--and evoke strong visceral responses, as many of you who read him, already comment. 
I'm speaking early, but from what I know of both of them, they will lend insight and knowledge into our comments. Mark is a Teacher, and Cloudia is wise beyond her years! (She's only 7!) Please see BOTH sites for ordering details.
We can wait until after the Año Nuevo..  as a lot is going on this time of year! However we WILL start soon. The books are more than affordable and enjoyable,  (less that $10-15:00 including shipping!!!) - and it will help two of our friends. You can follow along and still enjoy the quotes and comments while waiting on the books, or deciding if this is for you!
We can't wait too long as procrastination kills INSPIRATION! Yes, Yes--you can quote me on th@  !!  Like the @ instead of .....sorry.

I don't know how to do this format in the best way--maybe LuLu does.... But we want to start our own, with our Blogger Family and Friends! And the format is not as important as the CONTENT!-- (Yes--quote me!) Dang I'm good today!

Another thought I had was to do: THE SHACK, together. 
Maybe already read, as Queen Oprah mentioned it a couple of years ago in her book club. (And what she says goes instant bestseller). ALSO SHE IS STARTING A NEW NETWORK : POWER! Talk about being able to push an agenda. And, NO, I do not think she is evil...I just think too many people follow without questioning anything ANYMORE!
If you've already read it (I have, BUT OVER A YEAR AGO--SO IT WILL BE FRESH)-- 
what more could we glean from a re-read, and the COMMENTS and dialog afforded by first time readers of this Book may truly open up our minds, bring some together, closer than before, and possible cause a little heated dissension- discussion---which is almost always beneficial.
Iron Sharpens Iron.
Where is ORIGINAL THOUGHT today?
I'll tell you where! 
Let's think  for Ourselves Folks! Sheep are dumb followers...and they can provide the WOOL that can be pulled over our eyes! You have to be careful who the Shepherd is, and where you are being led! Ummm, Big Government, Wall Street, Banks..The ALL STABLE AMERICAN DOLLAR: It was so hard not to laugh/cry at this point!!!!...OK--Enough!

We learn, when we are challenged to get out of our comfort zones & self-absorbed righteousness!

OK- Is That Preachy enough???



  1. Teach me to read, Johnny Mac !

  2. Heff-- DUDE--you read BEER BOTTLES and MENU'S! Don't jive you Bra!! LOL

    (Hmmmm. maybe Heff does just look at the pics on the Menu's!)

    Johnny Mac

  3. Heff looks at the prices, we all know his thoughts are on his bra across the table from him.

  4. LMBO!!! It's a wonder he ever survived!!! I know he liked that Disco song too!!!!!-- I will Survive! esp, if I can get thru this dang song!


    Johnny Mac

    Uhhh, Mark-- How's the weather- LOL!

    (tee hee everyone--he lives in the winter armpit, as I live in the Southern armpit! Heat vs Cold!)


  5. Better late than never, ¿no?

    I am IN with this idea for starting in 2011. Let's do it...with Cloudia's book! I have yet to start it (still on Pride & Prejudice) but I'll jump into it when you say the word, "AHORA!" or "Aloha" or "lo que sea."

    If you want, I'll dedicate a post to the book club idea as well. Not everyone will be game, but I think it's worth a shot, don't you??

    Happy Monday, amigo! Hope you're having a good week. Enjoy the season because the season is enjoying YOU!!! ♥

  6. Ha Ha!!!!!!!

    Gotcha! I think it will be awesome.

    One of the first questions will be:

    How close is June's character to Cloudia?

    I Love your story!! I would LOVE to pit down my past- and let others know how the FORCE--grew me! :-)

    The first Ch, with the intro to the language, with the pronunciations-----Sheer Genius!


  7. LuLu-- It is more than worth it- as the people that should be there will be!

    We even made Miss "Havaii Thang"- Blush! LOL!

    Love ya Ily,

    and I'll e-mail and we'll start with a BI--(careful Juanny)--uhhh Post! LOL.

    Wear your Black Dress for the opening! I'm thinking after Jan 15th or so. And NO--there is NO Football Bowl games involved--LOL!!!


  8. Gotcha! I'll wait on your e-mail then. Felicidades...I love the spirit of this blog! Up and up...onward and upward, mi amigo! It's the only way to go...

    Cheers, Moi


Incredibly smart relies: